Wednesday, January 21, 2009

obligatory LOST premiere post

So basically, last night kicked off the 5th season of LOST with a lot of fulfilling answers to long had questions.

- island caught in a time warp of sorts (the analogy to a record was nice)

-Locke is obviously very important due to his being caught in a different time frequency and also having to die so that they all return

-hurley is basically fucking up hard per usual but being totally lovable while doing it...why would you turn yourself in, especially after anna lucia's ghost tells you "DONT GET ARRESTED"....fucking nutjob

SHIRTLESS SAWYER---seriously like the whole first episode...amazing

- Desmond must find Daniel's crazy...he will totally have to leave Penny again and I bet that is when Ben will get to her :(

-NEIL "FROGURT" dies in basically the funniest way ever...quit screaming fire dummy...also does anyone else think its funny that his other major roll has been ROACH in the people under the stairs..HAH

Finally....the most important part...

"what happens if i cant get them all to come back?" -- "Then god help us all"


1 comment:

  1. Benjamin Linus seriously character ever...

    Peanut Butter Twix = best candy bar ever...

